Feeling Good: The Important Key You Need to Unlock Self-Trust and Intuition

“Feeling good” isn’t just a by-product of how your day went today. It’s a lifestyle choice. You decide what energy you want to be in so you can control your outcomes. It’s next-level work that dictates what you call into your life and what you experience. 

The AH-HA Moment

Have you ever been so caught up in a moment, laughing and enjoying yourself, that suddenly you ‘knew’ the right decision for a complicated situation? Maybe you were enjoying a time with your best friends, and you had an instantaneous thought that seemingly came out of nowhere. That AH-HA moment that tweaked everything for you. 

I want to give you a glimpse into why feeling good matters so much to your intuitive growth, and why you need to be prioritizing this over any other practice you currently have.

Feeling Good Clears the Communication 

Remember that time you had to make a very complicated decision? You were uncomfortable, scared, or stressed, and it felt like the whole world hinged on that one decision? 

What most likely happened was you allowed your emotional state to overcome you and cloud your intuition. The more we allow our emotional or energetic states to influence us negatively - the more disconnected we become, which completely shuts off our intuition. 

So many of us have spent our lives trying to make ‘the right choice’. We overthink, stress and calculate, but we don’t realize how much this muddies the water. 

Intuition isn’t logical. So get out of your head and into your heart. When you align with love, presence, and freedom, you begin to clear up any blocks you’ve unknowingly placed that prevent you from hearing what your higher self is calling in for you.

To enhance your intuition, focus on feeling good. It’s the fastest way to clear the noise and hear your higher self.

Why Self-Trust is Crucial to Your Intuition

Without self-trust, your intuition is like a baby bird that can’t fly yet. The potential is all there, and it is built to fly - but it hasn’t developed the strength and confidence that it needs to be able to take flight. Confidence comes as you bet on yourself more and more. The more you can step into new situations and walk away with positive emotions, the stronger your self-trust will be. 

This becomes much easier when you put yourself in frequent, low-risk situations and prioritize your mental, emotional and physical well-being. You will only trust your intuition if you can count on and trust yourself first.

Self-Trust Hacks:

    1. Reflect on Past Wins.

Intentionally recall all the times you “figured it out.” I want you to remember all the moments in your life where you overcame challenges and had your own back. You’ll find some gold in there. This is evidence that you can, in fact, trust yourself.

    2. Get Your Boundaries in Check

This is actually such a big one which may come as a shock - but it’s so important. When you have unhealthy boundaries or you’re a people pleaser, it’s really hard to trust yourself. You’ve basically reinforced that you won’t advocate for your own needs on a daily basis. You need to know you can count on yourself to feel good, and to ask for what you need.

    3. Listen to the Small Nudges.  

You know exactly what language I’m speaking here; Those quiet hits of intuition that you’re ‘too busy’ to listen to (we are ALL guilty here). If you follow those tiny little whispers, you will soon build the confidence you need to trust yourself and your intuition.

Be Intentional

If you aren’t making intuitive choices, then who are you really choosing to be? Whose logic are you living by, and will that actually result in a life you would just drool over? These are important questions to ask yourself if you want to be intentional about your life’s destination.

We all know how much harder it is to make intuitive decisions when we are in lower frequency emotions like fear, anger and jealousy. Don’t let your emotional state cloud the choice your higher self would make - it’s like taking a massive detour. This is not about being perfect; it’s about being intentional with your emotional state and your intuitive choices. 

I know I don’t have to tell you, but I want to remind you of the things you need to start intentionally implementing in your life to make aligned (intuitive) decisions. You guessed it - they ALL make you feel good, which raises your frequency and clears your intuition.

  • Meditation: Focus on your breath to ground and center yourself.

  • Nourishing Foods: Fuel your body with whole, unprocessed foods you love.

  • Exercise: Move your body mindfully to release tension and connect with the present moment.

  • Creativity: Engage with the things that you truly enjoy and spark imagination.

  • Journaling and Affirmations: Use these tools to shift your mindset and embody higher vibrations.

  • These actions will bring you out of the daily chaos that contributes to your busy mind and clouded intuition. Your intuition will flow more naturally when you can remain in these higher vibrations of feeling good.

    Play a Little

    Take the pressure off - It’s way easier to learn something new while you’re playing. Maybe you want to learn about tarot cards or pendulums, or maybe you are drawn to journalling. Ask yourself “what feels exciting for me?” and follow the nudges you receive. While you’re in this relaxed state, your intuition will be heightened. Over time you will strengthen your intuitive muscle.

    Make it a Habit

    The same way you would strength train at the gym, building your intuitive muscle takes time and dedication. Start to notice every day when you are using your intuition, and how you feel when you use it. Do you feel good, or are you trying to force an answer out of stress and worry? Small steps every day will get you to where you need to be, both with your intuition and in your life. 

    The most beautiful thing to me is seeing you live out who you truly want to be in this lifetime. The more often you can rely on your intuition, the closer you get to your own authentic life. - Empress Intuitive

    Book With Me

    Through intuitive readings and coaching, I am here to guide you out of confusion and into clarity. Whether you’re new to this journey or you’d like to go deeper, I want to hear about what you are experiencing and where you could use support. I want to celebrate your wins, and talk about what makes you feel successful with your intuition. Most of all, I am here if you require a nudge. 

    Visit my services page to book a session with me and see how I can best help you. Here’s to living in alignment with your higher self!

    My Intention for You

    My work is here to be what you need, when you need it the most.  Take only what resonates for you, and allow it to illuminate your own path - with or without me. 

    Xox Empress Intuitive Coaching

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