What is Intuition, Really? (And How to Tell If You’ve Been Using It Properly)

Have you ever had a gut feeling about something - like a nudge that told you to take a different route home, and then later you find out there was an accident on your normal route? Or have you ever thought of a friend, and then they text you out of nowhere? That’s intuition at work.

Many people think that intuition is some mystical gift that only some of us have, but in reality it’s a skill we all possess - we just need to learn how to actually recognize and trust it.

So, What is Intuition Then?

Intuition is your inner knowing, the way your mind, body, and energy pick up on things before your logical brain does. It comes from deep alignment with yourself and the Universe. It’s so much more than just a gut feeling; it’s a clear, direct connection to something more meaningful than logic, and it’s the key to guiding you towards your most authentic and fulfilling life.

It’s not just a mysterious force that some people have and others don’t - it’s a skill that can be strengthened. Building your intuition requires you to build self-trust, and takes practice, self-awareness and a willingness to let go of external expectations. 

Do you struggle with decision making? 

This can happen if you are disconnected from your intuition,  often weighed down by conditioning, self-doubt or past pain.

Intuition is always present - you just have to learn to notice it.

How Do You Know If Your Intuition is Speaking to You?

Here are a few common signs you’ve probably already experienced:

  • A gut feeling or physical sensation (like butterflies, tightness, or chills)

  • A sudden knowing without any logical reason

  • Dreams that feel significant or later come true

  • Repeating signs of synchronicities (seeing the same numbers, symbols, or words)

  • Feeling drawn to something or someone without knowing why

Think back to a time that you just knew something without any logic or proof… (I wanna hear about it! Email me to be featured!).

The Biggest Myths About Intuition (And Why They’re Just Myths)

Myth 1: Only psychics or spiritual people have intuition.

Reality: Everyone has it! It’s like a muscle, the more you use it, the stronger it gets.


Myth 2: Intuition is always loud and obvious.

Reality: It often speaks in quiet metaphors. If you’re expecting a booming voice, you may miss it.


Myth 3: Intuition can be wrong.

Reality: Fear or wishful thinking can sometimes disguise themselves as intuition. The key is learning to tell the difference.

Start With a Simple Practice to Start Feeling Your Intuition.

Your intuition happens in your body, so you need to start to build awareness of your body’s signals. A great way to start is the Hand Over Heart Technique

  • Take a few deep breaths to become present in this moment.

  • Place your hand over your heart.

  • Ask yourself an easy question that has no emotional charge (e.g., What do I want for dinner tonight?).

  • Pause and feel into each answer before moving onto the next one.

  • Pay attention to any sensations in your body.

  • Your intuition will feel light and expansive when you are feeling into the option you truly desire.

Try this several times with low-risk decisions so you can build confidence in your body’s intuitive sensations. This exercise will show you how to be in communication with your higher self through your body.

Intuition isn’t something you need to force - it’s already within you, waiting for you to listen.

Observe your intuition for the next week and journal any intuitive nudges you experience. Just writing it down is enough to really start to connect with it on a deeper level. It’ll be your new favourite tool, I promise!

If this resonated with you, I’d love to help guide you on this journey. Let’s clear out what’s been holding you back and reconnect you to your intuition—so you can start living from a place of confidence, clarity, and peace.

Click here to book your first intuitive clarity session with me. You already have the answers. Let’s uncover them together.

**When you read my blog, I want you to really feel what's right for YOU. Not everyone will resonate with everything here, and that's okay. I'd rather you question it, and dive deeper into your wholeness - because that's what I'm here for. 

Xox Empress Intuitive

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