Distance Pet Light Language Session
Our Pets are most often our guardian angels, which means they help us to navigate and transmute the energies here. This means that their energy systems are linked with ours, especially when they have been with us for several years. Think how many times your furry friend has held you while you cried, or listened while you angrily vented to someone on the phone? Animals have such a beautiful and natural way of giving and receiving energy, but they too can become bogged down energetically - especially when we are going through challenging times! Treat your fur baby to a relaxing and powerful healing session to have them feeling refreshed and energetically healthy, and notice the difference for yourself! Pick a time where your furry friend will be relaxing next to you, maybe before bedtime cuddles, or during an afternoon nap. You will visually see them start to stretch and/or yawn around the time the appointment wraps up. Make sure they have a nice big drink of water to help ground all the work we’ve done and give them a big hug!